Youth Organizers of Mental Health Education (YOMHE)

YOMHE interns develop and facilitate mental health awareness workshops for BIPOC youth in the greater Seattle area. Content includes mental health
resources and also private referrals to culturally competent providers for youth in need.




Youth Organizers of Mental Health Education (YOMHE) is offered in partnership with Kaiser Permanente. 

Academy for Creating Excellence (ACE) NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING POSITIONS for our 2025 YOMHE program.

For Black males and males of color between the ages of 14-24 to assist us with work targeting this same demographic in the Seattle area.  

ACE hired YOMHE interns to help develop and deliver programming described as follows:

  • Weekly Monday meetings from 4:00-5:30 pm (A hybrid of virtual Zoom AND in person meetings at ACE Headquarters)

  • 8-10 community presentations in the Seattle area until August 2025.

  • $400 monthly stipend from January to August 2025.

The goal is to offer ten in-person presentations shared in community settings to youth ages 14-24 focusing on reducing mental health stigma, promoting positive social norms around discussing mental health, and raising awareness of accessible mental health services.

Interns will be responsible for research on mental health, giving presentations on mental health and assisting with planning programming and community events. Interns will also be required to attend staff meetings weekly.
